The CSS Pocket Guide

Alternate Title: What I did on my Summer Work-cation

This blog has been a bit quiet the last few months—a direct result of spending all of my non-work hours writing my first book. The CSS Pocket Guide, the results of all that effort, was just sent off to the printers earlier this week and hits the bookstores on October 25.

Buy The CSS Pocket Guide at

OK Go at UC MusicFest 2010

Last weekend was the annual Union County MusicFest a few towns over. Part county fair, part carnival, and mostly a free outdoor two day concert with bands such as Train, Spoon, OK Go, and The Bravery. I stopped by Saturday, hung with friends, and took some photos of the event. Here are some shots of OK Go playing the second stage Saturday Night:

Damian Kulash [OK GO]

PNHTagTest Now On GitHub

Taking a moment away from a truly busy summer of client work and other fun projects to bring you this little announcement:

There’s now a permanent home on GitHub for PNHTagtest, a little piece code that I’ve had floating around for ages as an aid for building and reviewing CSS on a project.

Sample of PNHTagTest contents

Must Listen Podcasts From 5by5 Studios

I’ve been sorta quiet around here lately due to a busy summer work schedule, a book project I’m working on (more on that later!), and attempting to get outside with whatever free time I have.

5by5 is supported by Viewers Like Me

Something else that’s been filling my time are the great lineup of shows and interviews over at 5by5 Studios. Long time web geek Dan Benjamin has pulled together some excellent cohosts and coverage of the tech business, web development, MongoDB, general geekery and even UFOs.

So while I’m not pushing much content out there head over there to fill your brain. And if you like what you find you can become a member and get a cool t-shirt like I did.

InterACT With Web Standards Book Released

InterACT With Web Standards Book Released

In a recent post over on the Web Standards Project blog I introduced the newest and first book released by the WaSP – InterACT With Web Standards: A Holistic Approach to Web Design.

This is a great reference teaching the craft and profession of building web sites, and not just a book about markup or 3 column layouts with CSS. Read more about it in the blog post or go straight to the book’s companion site.