Things I Should Have Blogged This Week

one big alt

Instead of writing about these things this week I let them fly into the twitter, IM, or news reader ether likely not to be mentioned by me again. Maybe I’ll make this recap a semi-regular features on this site as I expect to be quite busy over the next couple of months.

In The Web Standards World

IE8 Standards Mode Blacklist

The fiasco of the week in the web world is the Internet Explorer 8 Standards Mode opt-in-or-not-opt-in behavior for large sites that get reported as not working well in IE. Here’s the blog post that kicked the discussion off.

Molly mentions it — along with announcing she has a new position at Opera! Andy and many respond on For A Beautiful Web, coworker Michael Bester shows his sympathetic side. All required reading. And Via Twitter IE team member Chris Wilson mentions that there may be more clarification for web site owners and managers is to come.

And Then Those Other Yahoo’s…

Not content to sit on the sidelines in the ‘you need to include this new tag in all your pages’ game, this week Yahoo, Google and MSN have announced support for a new link rel value “canonical”. The SEOmoz blog has great coverage in Canonical URL Tag – The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps. The really short of it is that adding code like <link rel="canonical" href=""> in the top of the page will wrap all the duplicate indexed pages at other domains [www.] or other addresses [?tag=seo] into a single entry in search results.


  • Errorlytics gets an official launch. It is an interesting take on web services and customer service letting you easily manage complex rules for dealing with 404 errors. If you’re running a site with many pages or one that’s gone through a few redesigns check it out.
  • Accession Media, a web development and marketing firm I work with on occasion has relaunched their own site with a new look and tighter focus. They’re also the team behind Errorlytics.
  • Michael Raichelson has as fun new tumbler template up on HACKADAISICAL!COM
  • In the wake of the meltdown at ma.gnolia I’ve moved back to using my delicious account for storing and sharing bookmarks.
  • announced the Kindle 2 in part via a giant JPG splashed up on their home page complete with imagemap to reproduce the behavior of the text links in the copy. The big image was not to be outdone by the bigger contents of the image’s alt attribute which included the full text of the letter from Jeff Bezos. I don’t know about you, but I’d be fired if I ever attempted that on a client’s site — and for good reason.

one big img

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