About Time, Isn't It?

It’s long past due for a number of things to change around here. So to get things started I bring you Placenamehere.com version 5 (or 8 or is it 10?).

The most obvious change is a new design leaving behind the largely flower based design I came up with a bit over 2 years ago. As with the past few versions of the site the layout remains largely photography based, this time with a strong winter feel brought on by some photos I took in early 2003. I may think about cycling in a new set of photos each season, but I’ll play more with that when the time comes. More on the details of the redesign, both technical and graphical later I’m sure.

The second big change is that I have finally given in and am running the core of this site on blogging software textpattern – a PHP & MySQL package) and plan to be posting more of my thoughts and commentary going forward instead of the rare news posting or site launch that I had been in the past. I can’t say yet how much of a routine posting will become, but I do plan on posting regularly on web, technology and standards realted topics with digression into media, politics, and occationally hockey (but I’ll try and keep the lockout ranting to a minimum).

I still have some work to do to tidy things up around here — comb through some old static pages and get them synced up with the new look, get some new photos posted, update the content on a few pages, etc. etc. But otherwise I’m happy enough with things to launch. Hope you like. Comments, flames, love letters below in the new comments section.

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