Multimedia Sharing Site Treemo Launches

Does the world need another Web2.0 Community Video Sharing Massive Group Social Networking site? Treemo thinks so, and I might agree.

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Joining the likes of Flickr and YouTube and a fairly busy marketplace is the recently launched Treemo. Though its a busy space, Treemo /is/ trying to change the status quo in two noticeable ways.

The first is that they’re paying strong attention to the mobile device market on both the contribution and the consumption side. MobileCrunch covers this a bit more.

The other twist is that the company seems to be very interested in growing a socially conscious community and have set up affiliations with a number of different organizations in an effort to keep its users involved in some things besides just sharing video clips from last night’s adventure at the bar.

The site is still a bit rough around the edges (I’d love to see a more detailed progress bar while I’m uploading 12MB videos from my F30, and a few other changes) but from what I’ve seen looked solid. Ultimately like any other community oriented site, the real test will be whether it gains enough momentum to become a viable destination.

[Also of note, Camino contributor Samuel Sidler is on the staff]


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