Google Page Creator – Does This Make Them Evil?

“Create your own web pages, quickly and easily.”

That’s the lead in on the new Google Page Creator site.

“No technical knowledge required. Build high-quality web pages without having to learn HTML or use complex software.”

From the output of the tool it doesn’t look like the developers had to spend much time learning either. To be fair, it is outputting better code, then, say, iWeb, but there is still quite a lot of cruft and divitis, not to mention the basic validation errors in the templates/hacks they include, the element nesting errors (<div> inside <h1>) and the <font> tags. <font> tags? Woe is me.

Here are a few examples that friends built in the wee hours of the morning:

Drew, of the eerily apt all in the head has written up his experience and has more words for Google.

[A combination of no coffee in my system yet and a bunch of errors when trying to use the site to generate my has contributed to the snippiness of this post.]

UPDATE: I finally got though and created.. you guessed it… Also came across some more examples linked above.

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