Lost And Found: The Apple IIc Manual

So I was going through some storage boxes earlier today and came across an extraordinary find—a few old computer manuals including the manual to the first computer my family owned. The Apple IIc personal computer.

Lifted from the preface:

When you chose an Apple® IIc, you chose more then a machine. You chose a philosophy—that using a computer is fun. Sure, you can use your Apple® IIc for all sorts of serious purposes, from balancing your books to tracking your investments, but there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy yourself while you’re at it.

Its 150 pages of spiral bound full color photographic nostalgia. Here are a few quick samples:

The Cover

The Cast of Characters

The Keyboard

Memory is Temporary

And by far my favorite illustration in the book—how “scrolling” works.


I plan on taking a few more and when I do you’ll find them added to this flickr photoset.

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