At some point tomorrow I’ll be posting an article covering CSS box-shadow and some tricks to make similar effects in Internet Explorer. This will be the first article in a new weekly series of articles I’ll be writing in 2010 as a participant in Project52.
Now, this isn’t my first time committing to a weekly project — I started a weekly digital photography project just last year. That resulted in around 15 weeks of semi-regular postings or so before I stopped. What makes me think I can stick with it this year? The motivations and audience is different this time around.
With the photography project the output was important to share, but it was as much about exploring my own workflow and bringing the use of Photoshop and that extra polish back into my workflow. What I found was that it did change my habits — and rather quickly. As the weeks went on it didn’t seem as important to me to pick one image to process and post to the world when I was paying more attention to everything I posted to Flickr or my store.
The audience for the articles and tutorials I plan to write this year is external and not internal and the motivations for sharing in January will still be there in December. With the speed things are changing in the web standards world with HTML5, CSS3, mobile browsers and new devices there will be plenty to cover in 2010. Mix that with digital photography and a new venture or two from that half of my life and I have plenty of topics to rant about or tutorials to write. Project52 is just the external push I need to drop a timeline and motivation to finish some drafts of articles or write up some ideas that have been floating around in my head for a while now.
There’s a list of nearly 700 participants on the Project52 web site. Some you may recognize from the web development world — I’m really looking forward to the entries from the likes of Kimberly Blessing, D. Keith Robinson and Derek Featherstone (who was the first person I saw to mention the project). But I’m also looking forward to reading a lot from names I don’t recognize and learning a lot from all the participants in 2010.
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