Downloads : Texpattern

A quick repository of my Textpattern resources.

Plugin: Textpattern Microformats Plugin [pnh_mf]

My first venture into plugin hacking for TXP, the pnh_mf plugin provides some memorable tag shortcuts for including properly formatted microformats in your pages and content.

Theme: SKY Theme for Textpattern

As an experiment in theme creation for TXP I have created a theme with an airy blue sky and puffy clouds feel. Get lost in the SKY Theme for Textpattern.

Highlighted Post: Ramblings On A Multi-Site

I've made a number of custom modifications around here, not the least of which is setting up two sites to run. I haven't released the source to these modifications, but some time ago I did post some thoughts on the process with Ramblings On A Multi-Site Textpattern Install.

Colophon: Plugins I use

The plugins I use with Textpattern include:

External: ma.gnolia links

Rather then reproduce a bunch of links here check and for other good Textpattern resources.

Last Updated 09/09/2006