In the tradition of the Google Zietgeist and thousands and thousands of unprotected site usage reports I bring you my own little snapshot of the goings on around
Behind the Numbers
Due to the dramatically different traffic patterns seen between different pages of my site (web geeky stuff, photos, etc.) these numbers have an odd complexion. I offer no interpretations of these numbers, either in historical significance or in terms of the real world
Behind the Classifications
The breakup of browsers that follows closely my conceptual breakdown of the playing field. It's divided by rendering engine [in the case of visual user agents] or by category of other potential usage. A description of each category is included in the detailed reports below.
Behind the Technology
The reports used below were generated from standard Apache log files via a home spun Perl script. All the fancy interactive stuff is CSS+javascript driven DOM manipulation. The reports include all documents served from excluding RSS feeds, robots.txt requests and those sent to my own computers.
Last Updated 3/05/2007