Tech Demos : Neuralust Mirror

I can't stand when things on the web disappear and do everything I can to prevent it. To this end I've mirrored all my work from the neuralust project either here or on

Style Switching

By far the most interesting piece to come out of my days at neuralust was the style sheet experiments and the style switcher for the old index page. Since this mirror has a different index page, I've had to isolate the experiment a bit:

View Daily CSS Fun Style Switching Project

All Projects

Here is a rundown of all of the projects, both large and small, that I had a part in on neuralust. Notably missing from this list is the work done on the series of random homepage designs — a series of CSS redesigns of a fixed HTML document contributed by the various members.

  1. Date
    Original Location
    Daily CSS Fun
    Archive Location
    Daily CSS Fun

    Each day in Throughout the month of February I will be posting a redesign of this page using only CSS. The underlying HTML code won't change a bit. Past style sheets can be viewed using the form controls found somewhere on this page. Explanations of each of the layouts will also be posted. (updated 2/26)

  2. Date
    Original Location
    i loves gmunk
    Archive Location
    i loves gmunk

    I recently came across this little gag I had started working on a few months back and polished it up for the world to see. For those living under a rock, this is gmunk, and these are the photos that the email is referring to.

  3. Date
    Merry Christmas To All!
    Original Location
    Merry Christmas To All!
    Archive Location
    Merry Christmas To All!

    With some photos and some scaling its time to celebrate the holiday season!

  4. Date
    Original Location
    You've Been Bugged!
    Archive Location
    You've Been Bugged: Tracking Visitor's Browser Sizes []

    I know if you've been bad or good. Oops someone else's line, but I do know how big your browser is! If you didn't view this page's source you wouldn't know this page was bugged. Here's a short explanation of why along with some results.

  5. Date
    Original Location
    NMUF Presentation Outline
    Archive Location
    Presentation Notes: Browser As Canvas []

    Outline of my part of the Neuralust group presentation at NMUF in NYC on 7/12.

  6. Date
    Original Location
    Click Three Points (5)
    Archive Location
    Click Three Points (5)

    A DOM based port of the latest Macromedia Flash craze to sweep the world. Thanks to ~deconcept and all the other designers showcased at [now:] for the inspiration.

  7. Date
    Original Location
    Selected Photos (5)
    Archive Location
    Selected Photos (5)

    A fully resizable interface designed to showcase a few of my photos. I'll let the quote in the background speak for itself.

  8. Date
    Original Location
    Archive Location

    The beginnings of a more concentrated effort to work with the canvas that is a browser window. Its just a shame that IE5/PC doesn't support word spacing.

  9. Date
    Original Location
    Traffic Check
    Archive Location
    Traffic Check

    A home page with nothing to do. More CSS based typography combined with an attempt to fill space creatively. Thanks to all the folks who wrote me telling me it didn't work, and extra special thanks to those writing me telling me it did work.

  10. Date
    Original Location
    Please Hold
    Archive Location
    Please Hold

    A semi-successful attempt at being creative with CSS based typography masquerading as an under construction page.

Last Updated 01/01/2007